

Each moment spent with you makes me feel alive, gives me strenght  to keep on going.
Every time you hold me, touch me, kiss me and whisper that you love me, I wish I could make the time stay still so I can lay in your arms and not think about tomorrow.
I couldn't imagine my life in this place being happy if you weren't there, you make me feel alive, loved, beautiful and protected.
Everytime we are together I try my best to save all the memories in the most special part of me...within my heart, so I now for sure that no matter what happens in the future, you'll always  be with me. You changed me, you are part of me and I am part of you. I 've never imagined we would be like this and that I would love you so much the way I do, and the best part of it s that I know you love me too. I feel lilke my search is over, that I no longer need to find love, for love have found me already. 

So in love!

Um comentário:

Michelle disse...

Oi Lii
Essa semana eu tava vendo fotos do meu embarque e lembrei de vc, to com saudades, a gente nunca mais se falou
Espero que esteja bem, imagino que sim pelas fotos que vejo no seu orkut e tal
To muito feliz por vc! Tambem to desse jeito, super apaixonada! melhor sentimento do mundo!
Torco por vc
