

A Desgramenta já mandou lembranças!!

Pensei que iria demorar um pouco mais pra tensão chegar, mas ela pegou um atalho!!!


Não consigo fazer absolutamente nada a não ser pensar no dia 06!!
Mas vamo que vamo né?! faltam 11 dias! OMG

Bom, como não sabia o que comprar de presente pra minha Amada Familia Americana, mandei um e-mail pro Host pedindo um Help.
Eis a Resposta:

Hi Aline,

Nice to hear from you!

You asked about things from Brazil that the boys and we would enjoy.
We think the boys would really enjoy children's books in Portuguese.
We have a few books in Spanish, but we're thinking they might enjoy your sharing Portuguese with them.
At their age, they do well with board books, which are more durable.As for us, we enjoy anything food-related. Or small handicrafts.

I hope this is helpful!

É, foi bem helpful!

Já me dá uma margem né?!!

Ah, e dia desses ele também me mandou um texto falando sobre a Crise nos States [pelo jeito ele mandou pros amigos, e me incluiu...amei! *.* ]

Vou postar, pra quem estiver a fim de ler:

This morning I was reading The Three Little Pigs to my twin boys.
As I was reading, I thought, you know, this story is just like current events.
So I did a Google search, and you know, some other father of twin boys was thinking just like me, and he wrote this.It's not a very good story.
The ending is not very good either. But I thought I'd pass it along.
Those of you who have children and/or grandchildren might appreciate it.

The Three Little Pigs' Financial Crisis‏

Once upon a time, there were three little porcine bankers.
They looked like pigs, but they were bankers.
They were very happy.
One lived in a house of sub-prime mortgages, one in a house of collateralized debt obligations, and one in a house of credit default swaps.
One day, a short wolf came to the house of sub-prime mortgages.
"Little porcine banker, let me come in."
"Not by the hair of my chinny-chin chin," said the little banker.
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down.
The little porcine banker ran to the house of collateralized debt obligations.
The short wolf went to the house of collateralized debt obligations.
"Little porcine bankers, let me come in."
"Not by the hair of our chinny-chin chins," said the two little bankers.
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down.
The two little porcine bankers ran to the house of credit default swaps.
The short wolf went to the house of credit default swaps.
"Little porcine bankers, let me come in."
"Not by the hair of our chinny-chin chins," said the three little bankers.
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down.
The three little porcine bankers ran to the house of the Government.
The wolf went to the house of the Government.
"Little porcine bankers, let me come in."
"Not by the hair of our chinny-chin chins," said the three little bankers.
The wolf huffed and puffed, but the house of the Government would not fall.
Angrily, the wolf climbed down the chimney, and gobbled up the three porcine bankers.
A woodsman happened along. He saw the fat wolf, and heard the three little porcine bankers crying for help inside.The woodsman took his axe and chopped open the wolf and freed the three little porcine bankers.Said the three little porcine bankers to the woodsman,
"Our houses are ruined. Who's going to pay for this?"

That's all Folks!!


3 comentários:

Raquelzinha disse...

Oi Li!
Valeu pela forca! Faz bem se sentir querida!

Li, entao, vou te dar uma dica... eu comprei um quebra-cabeca e um gibi da Turma da Monica para cada kid, e eles amaram!


Fih disse...

Ahhh nem me diga vio!
Ainda bem q eu vo t encontrar lá...=]


Rinelii disse...

Fica calma, vai dar tudo certo no Consulado, vc vai conseguir o visto tri fácil!
